Our Mission 

The wishes, desires and purpose of the Society are:

1)    To glorify God by making a contribution toward helping to fulfil the Great Commission in the downtown, east-side of Vancouver, B.C.

2)    To help any individual in need of food. We will try to provide the needy with good, nutritious food, consisting of soup, sandwiches, coffee and sweets. This is to take care of the immediate need. We also try to provide each needy person with some food to take home, as long as the supply lasts.

3)   We feel it is of great importance to show everyone our love, and demonstrate our care in word and deed. The helpers of Food on the Corner will bring a word of encouragement and comfort to the lonely, the hurt, the depressed and the down-trodden to try to build up their self-esteem and their self-worth. It is our utmost desire to help them find the way out of their present circumstance.

4)    As Christians, we know and understand that every person has an eternal soul, and therefore, each person is of infinite value! The Lord Jesus said, “What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?” We strive to share “The Good News of Jesus Christ” with every person that comes to our tables. We shall strive to let them know that Jesus is the Saviour of mankind and by believing in Jesus and trusting in his finished work, eternal life is given as a free gift from God. As well, Jesus’ transforming grace and truth can be manifested in their lives bearing witness that no life is beyond the reach of God’s power.

Beliefs & Values

Our beliefs and values are also rooted in Jesus’ teachings, which are the core of the evangelical church today. We acknowledge that through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, we are forgiven for our sins and we can have a personal relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our work has also strengthened ties with churches, organizations and individuals for one common purpose: To take Jesus to the world. “Go into all the world,” was Jesus’ command to His disciples and have always motivated us to take His message everywhere. From day one, our vision and mission have focused on Jesus’ command (Matt. 28:19, 20). We are committed to being:

• Centered in Jesus Christ—in our obedience to the Risen Lord.

• Grounded in the Bible—in our life and ministry.

• Dependent on Prayer—as the foundation for our ministry.

• Partnered with His Church—as the biblical means for ministry.

• Committed to Unity—with all believers in Jesus Christ as our Lord Jesus commands.

• Compelled to Evangelize and Disciple—to bring Jesus Christ to the lost and to help people grow in Him.

• Loving Others—by treating all people with grace, trust, and respect.

• Seeking Excellence—by demonstrating integrity and wise stewardship.    

Our Commission                                                                         

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?”

“Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”

Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me?”

He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”

The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

Peter was hurt, because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?”

He said, “Lord you know all things; you know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.”  

(John 21:15-17 NIV)


FCS Food on the Corner Society is a “faith-based organization.” We believe that since Jesus Christ called us to “feed His sheep,” He is able to supply all of our needs as we come before Him in prayer. The Society is not funded by any municipal, provincial or federal government. The Society receives support from individuals, churches, businesses, service organizations and foundations. The Society comprises of 100 percent volunteers- we have no paid staff.

FCS Food on the Corner Society is a:

• Non-Profit Organization, organized under the laws of British Columbia in May of 1990.

• CRA Registered Canadian Charity No. 891383341RR001

FCS Food on the Corner Society strives to serve in the best interests of the following groups. We appreciate their participation, compassion and commitment:

• Our Volunteers – The diversity of our volunteers brings strength to our Society. Involved in every aspect of our service, they have a heart of love, willingness and desire to help reach “the lost.”

• Our Donors – Loyal donors express their compassion for those in need through supporting FCS Food on the Corner Society.

• Our Directors – We are fortunate to be governed by a Board of Directors that provides expertise and ensures FCS Food on the Corner Society fulfills its God-given mandate.  They give guidance and direction for the overall operation of the Society.


• Faith: In our service, we share God’s message of love for all people, demonstrated through his Son, Jesus Christ, who offers hope and transformation.

• Respect: We believe that each person is created in the image of God and must be treated with dignity and respect.

• Integrity: We are transparent and trustworthy, accountable to God and each other. We are committed to biblical, ethical and professional accountability in all our dealings.

• Stewardship: We consider our donors’ support a sacred trust and believe we are accountable before God and our supporters for the management of those resources.  

• Relationship: We are committed to caring relationships that foster trust, and change in people’s lives.

• Holistic Approach: We are committed to serving the whole person both spiritually and physically.

• Partnerships: We are committed to strong partnerships with caring individuals, churches, businesses and community organizations to effectively care for the hungry, hurting and homeless.